Prosiect dielw sy’n datblygu sgiliau menywod yn niwydiant cerddoriaeth Cymru trwy rhannu syniadau, cydweithio’n greadigol, a chreu cyfanweithiau celfyddydol yw Kathod.
Rydym ni’n gasgliad o fenywod creadigol gyda lein-yp di-ddiffiniad sydd o hyd yn newid. Hynny yw, mae yna grŵp gwahanol o bobl yn gweithio ar bob darn o bob prosiect.
Kathod is a not-for-profit project to develop the skills of women in the music industry in Wales by sharing ideas, collaborating creatively, and creating multi-disciplinary art.
We are a collective of creative women with an undefined and ever changing line-up. This means that every bit of every project is worked on by different groups of people.
Mae pob trac wedi’u creu gan lein-yp o fenywod gwahanol. O’r sgwennu a recordio, i’r rhyddhau a hyrwyddo, mae’n holl gatalog o fiwsig erbyn hyn wedi gweld 29 o fenywod yn cydweithio i gael y darnau allan i’r byd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys pethau fel gwaith celf a fideos, cymysgu a meistroli, ysgrifennu lyrics, dosbarthu, actio, cyfarwyddo, cynhyrchu a mwy.
Fel arfer, rydym yn cyflawni tua 1 prosiect y flwyddyn. Pob tro bydd cyfle i ymuno â phrosiect, rydym yn cysylltu â rhestr o bobl sydd wedi cyflawni arolwg. Os hoffech ymuno â’n phrosiect nesaf, gallwch cyflawni’r arolwg trwy’r ddolen ‘Ymunwch â’r Kathod’ isod.
Each track has been created by a completely different line-up of women. From the writing and recording, to the release and promotion, our complete catalogue of music so far has seen 29 women collaborating to get the pieces out into the world. This also includes artwork and videos, mixing and mastering, writing lyrics, distribution, acting, directing, producing and more.
Typically, we complete around 1 project a year. For each project, we contact a list of people who have completed our survey. If you would like to join us on our next project, you can complete the survey through the ‘Join Kathod’ link below.
Other projects
Y Babell Lên 2022: Cydweithrediad gyda Llio Maddocks er mwyn rhoi llwyfan i feirdd perfformio ar lwyfan Pabell Lên Eisteddfod Tregaron.
Y Babell Lên 2022: A collaboration with Llio Maddocks which saw poets performing on the Babell Lên stage at the National Eisteddfod Tregaron.
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© 2022 Kathod